Fade To Grey

Finally managed to get round to watching the BBC docu-drama "Worried About The Boy" about Boy George's rise to fame and drug-fuelled demise.

I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it, the music, the styling and photography were beautiful. It seemed authentic and unpretentious. It also made the song "Fade To Grey" by Visage get stuck in my head for an obscene amount of time, which was surprisingly enjoyable.

A New Romantic revival please?

I also realised that I'm slightly in love with Douglas Booth, who played George.

I read somewhere that he's 18 years-old which is mildly horrifying, but he looks older... so it's ok.


iUnderEye said...

Nice blog! Keep it up.. Check us out :)

www.iundereye.blogspot.com x

Jack Murphy said...

Thanks! Consider yourself followed :) x

Iñaki said...

Loving the blog, Jack! It's nice to see more people devoting some digital space to menswear!

Anonymous said...

loving your style.. and yes, the fact that he's 18 is horrifying, especially for someone as old as me.

consider yourself stalked from now on..

Jack Murphy said...

Aww thanks Iñaki I'm always reading your blog so that means a lot :)
And yes! Let's represent the menswear!
Definitely needs more attention.

And lorenzo... stalking is 21st century flattery as far as i'm concerned :)